Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Our Little Water Baby

I got this water table from a friend and I think it has to be Cooper's favorite summer toy so far. I think that if we let him he would play in the water all day. He wasn't very happy when we had to come in to eat dinner.

Just Chillin with my new hat and swimsuit
Stitch decided that Coop's water table was just a large dog bowl so she and Lilo helped themselves while playing.

On a hot day the only thing to do to cool down is to run through the sprinkler. Bobby and I had a pretty good time showing him how it was done. He thought it was pretty funny when we squealed because of how cold the hose water was!

He had to take a break from all of the fun with the water to play with his awesome truck from Grandma.

Giving Bear a hug because he was missed, he couldn't come and play in the water with us.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

First Trip to Build-A-Bear

So a few weeks ago Grandma (my mom) took Coop to Build a Bear for the first time and here are some of the pictures she took.

The hard part is trying to decide on which animal is suitable to be a life long companion. Here is Coop contemplating all of his choices.

Here he is being such a good boy and waiting in line!
A hug is definitely the only way to tell if your animal is stuffed appropriately!

And don't forget to wash them, no one likes flyaway fur.

This is Dotie with a long O because that is currently how Coop says doggie.

Thanks Grandma for the fun trip!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

So Creative

So Bobby took these pictures today and they are too funny not to share. So I guess Coop decided that playing with the drawers wasn't good enough, to have the appropriate amount of fun one must climb in the drawers.
But you must have activities to do while in the drawer, reading sounds like a good idea!
"This may be the greatest idea I have ever had!"

Getting in and out isn't the easiest task but obviously worth the effort.
He is just too funny. Oh Coop I love you and all your crazy ideas!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

My Crazy Little Boy!

Cooper in all of his 1 year old glory!!!
Cooper turned 1 on the 18Th and I just can't seem to get it into my head that he is that old yet. He has grown so much in that year and has accomplished so much! A day before his birthday he walked all on his own and now he is walking like a pro, it amazes me that he can pick something up so quickly. He waves goodbye and says his version of Bye "BA" when he does it. He thinks that the Kitchen is the best room in the house because there are so many places to get in. I moved some of his sippy cups and other utensils into a drawer so he would play with them instead of pulling all the baggies out of their boxes but now all he wants to do is play in the drawer under the stove. Apparently it makes a really good seat, I turned around the other night and he was just sitting in it like that was a normal thing to do.

Explanation for the picture above- So... when I took him in to get his 1 year pictures done he had a completely different agenda. He wouldn't hold still at all and did pretty much whatever her wanted for like 20 minutes. In this one he was rolling all over the couch laughing at himself. The girl doing the pictures was probably totally annoyed with me because instead of doing something about it I just laughed. How could anyone be mad at that goofy face!

The tongue thing has been going on for a couple of weeks now. I don't really get it but it makes me smile when I see this picture. He is such a goofball.

Don't let this look fool you, he is just pretending for a moment to be a perfect little angel.