Friday, January 22, 2010

Cooper is fianlly here!!!

So we came home yesterday and are so glad to be here. Four days in the hospital is just way to many. We went through about 15 hours of labor and then had to have a c-section so Monday was a very long day. We had Cooper at 6:18 that night, he was 7lbs and 12oz. He had to spend a couple of days in the NICU but everything is wonderful now and we couldn't be more excited to have him home. We actually survived our first night, if that is what you call it, and made it to the pediatrician's office on time. I will try to keep everyone posted as I get more pictures, I only have the ones from my camera so I know there are tons more out there.

Saturday, January 9, 2010


Cooper's room is totally ready for him and since he will be here in 9 days or less that is a good thing. I can not believe that it is time for him to come, somedays I feel like I have been pregnant forever and others I feel like I haven't been pregnant long enough to be delivering that soon. I am not very good at updating this so I am not going to promise to get pictures of him up at any certain time but I hope to get some up sooner than later.