Thursday, April 21, 2011

First Trip to Build-A-Bear

So a few weeks ago Grandma (my mom) took Coop to Build a Bear for the first time and here are some of the pictures she took.

The hard part is trying to decide on which animal is suitable to be a life long companion. Here is Coop contemplating all of his choices.

Here he is being such a good boy and waiting in line!
A hug is definitely the only way to tell if your animal is stuffed appropriately!

And don't forget to wash them, no one likes flyaway fur.

This is Dotie with a long O because that is currently how Coop says doggie.

Thanks Grandma for the fun trip!


Sven & Trin said...

Hey Aubrey, I went private with my blog and didn't hear from you before hand. If you still want to read, you're more than welcome to. Just shoot me an e-mail. Hope you and your fam are well!

Sven & Trin said...

I'm a dork. Hoppie_11{at}hotmail{dot}com. :)